About Us East Texas Association of Petroleum Landman

Welcome to the East Texas Association of Petroleum Landmen (ETAPL) website. We are a non-profit, professional organization founded in 1951 in Tyler, Texas for the purpose of promoting the Landman profession, arranging and coordinating and social events for members and contributing to social needs of the East Texas area. We have approximately 700 active members located primarily in East Texas. Our members represent oil and gas businesses ranging from very large oil companies to the independent landman.

The ETAPL hosts many events throughout the year (June 1 to May 31) for its members and non-members. Some of our events include: a skeet shoot, monthly meetings, awards banquet, crawfish boil, golf tournament fundraiser for our Scholarship Fund and a spring and fall educational seminar. On the first of each month, we publish our monthly newsletter for members only that is provided through email.

We invite all landmen to join our Association. Should you have any questions about our profession, activities or organization, please feel free to contact any of the officers, directors or committee chairmen.

If you are interested in membership you will find all of the information you’ll need below.

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